virtual medical sciences Program
9th – 20th August 2020
Course Structure: MEDICINE & SURGERY
Students will learn about the basic science that underpins the practice of medicine to prepare them for medical school and a career in medicine. In addition, they will acquire valuable clinical and research skills.
The Oxmedica approach emphasises depth over breadth, ensuring that students receive a rigorous and detailed grounding in their chosen course.
For the 2020 academic year the program will run virtually using a bespoke online learning platform. Although academically rigorous, the program incorporates practical elements designed by Oxbridge-educated doctors that students can participate in from the comfort of their homes. Elements of the course will also prepare students for the rigorous application process for places at top UK- and USA-based medical schools. This includes advice on admissions tests, admissions essays and interview preparation.
Tutors are drawn from the UK’s leading universities (predominantly Oxford and Cambridge), working alongside a management team of qualified doctors.
Basic science, clinical skills and surgery
All students will attend daily interactive lectures and seminars that provide an overview of the basic sciences and the study of medicine. The course follows the structure of the medicine programs taught at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge in what is known as a subject-based approach – each discipline of medical science will be taught and examined in turn. Anatomy classes will teach students about the macroscopic structure of the human body; physiology will explain how the organs in our bodies work and pathology will allow students to understand the science behind disease.
To be an effective doctor it is important to be able to apply this knowledge. Information is collected from patients to diagnose, investigate and formulate appropriate management plans. The Oxmedica program encompasses this through a series of interactive sessions, which cover a variety of important topics including basic life support and ‘virtual surgery’.

Dr zeeshaan arshad | medical sciences program lead
Dr Zeeshaan Arshad BSc (Hons) MA (Cantab) MB BChir (Cantab) graduated with a distinction in medicine from the University of Cambridge. He has won over 20 national and international academic prizes. He has worked at numerous institutions around the world including the University of Oxford and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre through which he has published over 15 academic papers in leading journals including Nature. He has taught numerous programs as a tutor for Oxmedica.

Masterclasses are taught by Oxmedica tutors, and deal with a range of subject matters including Interview Simulation Workshops, Healthcare Entrepreneurship, Communication Skills, and Scientific Ethics Tutorials. Other Masterclasses have been crafted to give students a basis from which to apply to study medicine in the UK and US. Sessions provide key insights into the main admissions tests including the UCAT, BMAT and MCAT. These sessions are delivered by top performing medical students who can provide valuable insight to maximise your attainment. Students will also be required to submit an admissions essay that will be critiqued by our faculty to provide individualised feedback, in addition to interview practice with an Oxbridge medical student.
TED Talk Series and Value Added Components
The TED Talk Series and Value Added Components (VAC) form part of Oxmedica’s bespoke series of personal and professional activities, in which all students enrolled in the program will participate. The TED Talk Series includes a portfolio of specially prepared talks by Oxmedica tutors targeted at the student cohort and spans a vast array of topics that are instrumental to self-development and future success. Talks will be delivered by practicing doctors and provides students with an insight into their respected medical or surgical specialty.
Examples of previous talks have included:
- Emergency Medicine: Car crashes and head injuries
- A Day in the Life: Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery
- The Art of Plastic Surgery

Research Project
All students participating in the program are expected to undertake a formal research project. The purpose of this is twofold. Firstly, and from an educational perspective, it allows students to develop independent study skills, critically analyse data and communicate scientific concepts in high-level English. Secondly, from a personal development perspective, it prepares students for future university applications and offers a discussion point for interview assessments.

To apply please submit a brief CV and 200-word personal statement about how this program will help you in your career. Please submit to:
Application Deadline: 1st August 2020
Scholarships will be awarded based on academic merit and will encompass a review of your cv and personal statement. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by an Oxmedica faculty member. Places will be filled on a rolling basis.